Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dollar's Status As Reserve Currency Coming Under Increasing Pressure

Dollar's Status As Reserve Currency Coming Under Increasing Pressure

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, the former World Bank chief economist, said on Thursday that the use of the dollar as a reserve currency was "contributing to the weakness of the global economy," and that a reserve currency system based on IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), instead of the U.S. dollar, could be phased in within a year.

"The dollar reserve system is deflationary, unstable and it also has some inequity associated with it," Stiglitz said.

Stiglitz is currently the head of a U.N. panel charged with analyzing the global financial crisis and recommending reforms. Its report released last Thursday included a proposal for a new SDR-based reserve system which in their view "could contribute to global stability, economic strength, and global equity." The U.N. panel also said an SDR-based system was "feasible, non-inflationary, and could be easily implemented."

Stiglitz said the effect of the dollar reserve system is that developing countries have been lending the United States trillions of dollars at almost zero interest rates when they themselves desperately need that money.

"It's a net transfer, in a sense, to the United States of foreign aid," he said.

Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Germany's minister for economic cooperation and development and also a member of the U.N. panel studying the financial crisis, said the panel's recommendation of using SDRs needed further development.

"This is one of the long-term issues," she told reporters. "But it's clear that even though it's a long-term issue, it has acquired a certain momentum now that countries have spoken positively of it, such as China."

"I'm absolutely certain that we will need further work on this from Stiglitz," Wieczorek-Zeul said. "We'll need to discuss not only the timeframe, but also in what steps it could be could be achievable."

People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said on March 23 in a report posted on the bank's Web site that SDRs should be used for international trade, financial transactions and commodity pricing instead of the dollar. The IMF should aim in the longer term to create a “super-sovereign reserve currency,” Zhou said.

The Kremlin's senior economic aide Arkady Dvorkovich said today that Russia supports expanding the basket of currencies which are now used to make up SDRs.

"It would be logical for the set of currencies (that make up the SDR) to be expanded, and it could include other currencies, including the rouble, the yuan and perhaps others," he said.

SDRs were created by the IMF in 1969 to support the Breton Woods fixed exchange rate system. However, the move to a floating exchange rate system which occurred after the collapse of Breton Woods in 1973 and the growth of international capital markets, which facilitated borrowing by creditworthy governments, lessened the need for SDR's.

SDRs are made of a basket of currencies consisting of the euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling, and U.S. dollar. The U.S. dollar-value of the SDR is calculated as the sum of specific amounts of the four currencies valued in U.S. dollars, on the basis of exchange rates quoted at noon each day in the London market. The last changes made in the composition of SDRs became effective on January 1, 2006 and the next review of their composition by the Executive Board of the IMF will take place in late 2010.

The SDR has only limited use as a reserve asset, and its main function is to serve as the unit of account of the IMF and some other international organizations. The SDR is neither a currency, nor a claim on the IMF. Rather, it is a potential claim on the freely usable currencies of IMF members. Holders of SDRs can obtain these currencies in exchange for their SDRs in two ways: first, through the arrangement of voluntary exchanges between members; and second, by the IMF designating members with strong external positions to purchase SDRs from members with weak external positions.

The dollar's pre-eminence since the end of WW II stems from a range of factors including deep capital markets (the transfer of savings into investment), a diverse economy with a history of innovation and military power. The problem with talking now about moving off the dollar as the reserve currency is that it can be taken as a metaphor for the fall of the U.S. as a political and financial power, something which in and of itself is likely to be de-stabilizing.

At the same time, the U.S. is now dependent on other countries to fund its bailout which is why it's important to maintain a strong dollar policy, something which is becoming more difficult to do as the Fed embarks on quantitative easing which essentially involves the printing of dollars. The risk is that once you get a weaker dollar, other nations could become reluctant to invest in U.S. assets.

Economists long-argued that the large current account imbalances created over the past decade would lead to instability as the foreign savings glut found a home in the U.S. A current account surplus is a form of national savings and as dollars from countries like China and the oil producers, which were running large current account surpluses, flowed back into the U.S. it led to a situation of lower interest rates which enticed consumers to spend and use credit, helping to fuel the housing bubble which has now burst.

The flood of dollars back into the U.S. was procyclical, meaning that just as money should have been withdrawn as the economy overheated and assets like housing and stocks over-appreciated it became more and more available, a situation which lessened the ability of the Fed to control the economy via the transmission of monetary policy.

Written by TheLFB Trade Team, © 2007-2008 LFB Services, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is the IMF a real aid for Pakistan?

Is the IMF a real aid for Pakistan?

The Pakistan government faces quite difficult task at the moment - to find about $5 billion in a 30 days with the aim to prevent default on current account payments.

Let’s first consider what has happened that led finally to such consequences for the country’s economy? The first step was the growth of the oil prices that led to the oil import bill inflation. Then the changes in the export rules made it possible to export wheat crop surplus and thus enabled exporters to export wheat wherever they want.

So, the above-mentioned actions have led to the situation when the country itself has to import wheat at the prices that are 4 times bigger. Indeed the action is quite interesting and it is not quite clear what was this done for. Thus all this caused the situation when all import bills of the country increased and were the reason of quite large current account payment deficit. At the moment there is an urgent need for the government to find about $5 billion to prevent the default on current account payments.

So the game that the government played with the economy with the aim to get some profit in political area finally ended with the shortage of wheat and other food grains in the country. Now the gasoline prices are remained at their previous positions despite the global decrease of these prices. Furthermore, there is also an acute power shortage in the country. And the often problems with power ended with the closure of industry and as the result the growth of the unemployment.

So the situation occurred is quite difficult one. The country experience almost 25% inflation, the foreign exchange reserves are decreasing constantly and there are no investments from anywhere.

According to the ex-head of the State Bank of Pakistan the payment
system of the country is in the difficult situation, the transition from the former government to the new one was not arrange properly. And so there is no way out except of asking IMF for the help. And the IMF agrees to provide the aid required on quite undesirable terms.
Actually the main problem is in the conditions of the IMF aid. Their conditions will affect almost all areas of the country’s economy

Karachi Stock Exchange remains range-bound

Karachi Stock Exchange remains range-bound

Karachi Stock Exchange: Because of protracted Eidul Fitr holidays trading activities at the Karachi stock market remained dull. Interestingly during these holidays the lowest turnover in the trading history of the market was made a formal record on account of prudent approach by the investors provoked by decreasing rupee value. This opinion was given by professional analysts.

It's worth noticing that there are some other crucial factors, that affected the market in so negative way. For example, dropping foreign exchange reserves, increasing current account deficit and foreign selling because of weaker rupee value.

As a result the Karachi Stock Exchange 100-share index went down by 2.53 points to close at 9,1179.68 points as compared with last week’s 9,182.21 points.

The medium turnover volume dropped to 0.985 million shares as compared to 2.477 million shares traded during last week.

A famous and authoritative Analyst at JS Global Securities Farhan Rizvi noted the latest decision by US Congress to suddenly refuse the $700 billion bailout package has sent shock swings with a sharp downfall in major international stock markets.

Therefore, Pakistan’s valuation regarding regional market has not changed as the current discount of 30 % is in line with historical trend. Actually this fact says that for foreigners in the market may not be very tempting in spite of the great erosion in local share rates.

Furthermore, with the international markets being aware of a sharp dip upon news of the refusal of $700 billion bailout package (powerful Asian markets down 35 % in initial trades) fall in emerging market is going to double.

Analyst at Shahzad Chamdia Securities Ahsan Mehanti commented on the topic of bearish trend of the market while the terminating week: 'selling pressure kept to move on as international equity markets sink into historically low levels as the United States bailout plan was declined.

An obvious predominance of indeterminacy proceeded over funding of capital markets by SBP and discharge of funds by ‘Friends of Pakistan’ as investors remained worried about down-grade to negative outlook on bonds and currency by Moody's Investors Service and Standard and Poor's Corporation.

Analysts pointed out that the stock market is going to remain languid next week, because it's obvious there are no let-up in investors’ trust.

Foreign investment is being on its falling trend while local investors, witnessing foreign ones, have also hold a careful approach.

Unfortunately, the main future volume of the market was the worst this week if compared to the last one week, as the medium future market volume is at 0.258 million shares if compared to 2.92 million shares. As far as market capitalisation is concerned it stood near Rs 2.848 trillion.

Foreign investors are putting the trend at the equity market. It has become an evident thing because of the fact that investors don't rely on fresh long-term investment.

To sum up the current market will be improved in case if the economic, law and order situations in the country are improved as well.

The fall of the Australian currency

The fall of the Australian currency

Australian dollar decreased to its 1985 year level in relation to USD after the investors decreased holdings of high profitable assets due to the opinion that the global economy will experience recession.

The currency of New Zealand as well as Australian dollar decreased in relation to the Japanese yen after investors cut the carry trades that are their source of borrowing currency on low interest rates and investing them with an aim to get considerable profit. Asian stock also experienced certain decrease throughout this week that made traders suppose that the central banks of the US, European Union and Japan will decrease their interest rates.

According to Paul Milton a chief forex dealer at Societe Generale SA in Sydney the Australian currency depended up to two factors that are outlook of risk aversion and increased demand for USD.

So the Australian currency decreased to the point of 77.89 US cents at Sydney trades. Furthermore it has even decreased for a short period of time to the 77.77 US cents in relation to USD throughout its Asian trades today.

As for the New Zealand currency it has also decreased and reached the point of 66.33 US cents that is 3.3 percent lower then its last week level.

Besides Australian dollar decreased also in relation to the Yen and now it is at the level of 82.03 in relation to the Yen. However its lowest point in relation to Japanese currency was reached on May 2005 when it was at the point of 81 yen. The currency of New Zealand also decreased in relation to the Yen by 3.9 percent to the point of 69.88 yen.

According to Milton the Australian dollar may even reach 75 US cents level due to $700 billion financial aid that is supposed to increase demand for the USD.

Volatility index

The decrease the Australian and New Zealand currencies experienced took place after the growth of the VIX volatility index to 45.26 that is the measure of Chicago Board Options Exchange that shows expectations for the changes of the stock market price as well as risk aversion. As for the MSCI Asia Pacific index it has decreased by 7.5 percent.

According to Ned Rumpeltin a currency strategist at Morgan Stanley there probably will be further falls of the New Zealand currency due to instability of the forex markets, low risk appetite and rather weak economy of the country.

As for the interest rates they are at 7 percent and 7.5 percent level in the Australia and New Zealand correspondingly. As for Japan and US their interest rates are 0.5 and 2 percent correspondingly.

Due to experts opinion the Reserve Bank of the Australia may decrease it interest rates to 6.5 level in the beginning of the October.

Bonds and Commodities

The fall of the Australian and New Zealand currencies was also caused by the decreased gold and oil prices that are considerable part of the country’s exports. The same happened with Lumber also that is also takes the considerable part of the New Zealand's export.

And finally about the bonds. Australian government bonds increased but the two-year swap rate of the New Zealand decreased to the point

The exchange rates of the Iceland crown

The exchange rates of the Iceland crown

Iceland currency is quite close to the dual exchange rate with the central bank that trades foreign currency to local banks at much lower price in comparison with international market rates. Last week the government of the country started to control the banking system of the country and has already put several restrictions on foreign exchange by carrying out everyday auctions intended to establish the value of country’s currency.

The last trades showed the rate of the crown at the point of 151 versus Euro and 112.69 versus USD. However the international trades show quite different rate of the crown setting it at the point of 275 crowns versus the Euro. Thus international trade in crown is still quite illiquid today.

However in case the currency of Iceland will continue to strengthen at the international financial markets despite any local decreases then the gap between two rates will cease. On the other hand the foreign reserves of the country is exhausting from day to day and so all the country can do now is only to provide foreign currency trade via local banks for several days.

This is the reason of the country dependence up to foreign investments that are most likely to come from International Monetary Fund or Russia with the last one quite ready to spend certain revenues from oil trade for foreign investment in spite of the economic troubles inside of the country.

So the Iceland is thinking now what help is better to accept the one from the IMF or Russian one. As for Russia it possibly tries to increase its influence at the international area after the war with Georgia. However the Iceland is the NATO member and it is still denying any opportunity of use of its former US airbase.

Furthermore, according to the experts Russia may also possibly tries to wait until it becomes clear whether the Iceland will get its non-permanent UN Security Council membership. The UN General Assembly

The troubles of Citic Pacific

The troubles of Citic Pacific

Shares of Citic Pacific company decreased to its 10-year level last Tuesday after the company’s executive made wrong currency bets that might cause the lose of about $2 billions by the company.

Citic Pacific is the government-backed company announced about possible losses to the stock exchange of the city this Monday. The reaction of the investors was quite aggressive. According to the last data the shares of the company decreased by 55.1 percent and thus have reached it’s lowest level that was registered in 1998.

The fact of the currency exposure revealed on September 7th and the company has already terminated several contracts however the forex market is quite aggressive in relation to the company since then.

According to David Webb a shareholder from Hong Kong there was no need for the company to warn its clients about possible risks to their money in six weeks. He supposes that the executives of the company announced the news at the time when they became aware of them. It is almost impossible for the company board to hide the information of such kind for so long period of time.

He has also noted that the shares of the company decreased by 41.7 percent in a period between the problems took place and the board announcement concerning it. And the benchmark Hang Seng Index in comparison to this decreased by 23.1 percent for the same period of time.

Due to chairman of the company Larry Yung the currency bets were made by the finance director Leslie Chang who has made them without sufficient authorization for such kind of tasks. Larry Yung has also apologized to the shareholders. As for Leslie Chang and financial controller Chau Chi-yin they are already fired after the problem revealed.

Due to Yung the event happened is surely a negative one but nevertheless the company has not lost its positions. The company has already incurred losses of about $104 million as it has terminated several forex contracts. Furthermore it is quite possible that the company will also may lose about 14.7 billion of Hong Kong dollars. These losses will grow from the foreign exchange contracts made in Australian dollars and Euro against the USD. However the Australian currency decreased in relation to USD quite considerably and thus the losses of the company may change depending on the strength of the USD.

The forex contracts of the Citic Pacific involved the participation of such banks as HSBC, BNP Paribas and Citigroup. However according to the announcement provided by the Citic Pacific its parent company is ready to provide $1.5 billion loan to assist the company in overcoming the crisis period.

Due to Billy Mak finance professor at Hong Kong Baptist University the events happened caused the questions related to the companies internal control.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Succeed In Global Forex Trading

Succeed In Global Forex Trading

The global Forex market is the largest and most liquid market in the world. One of the primary reasons for the current economic crisis is due to the lack of liquidity in the world's marketplace. Too much money was tied up in long term investments, and the economy could not handle shortage of liquid cash. In the Forex markets, you are simply trading liquid money, so you do not have worry about the contribution of Forex trading in relation to the economic meltdown.With world's GDP breaking over $65 trillion dollars in the last year, the Forex market is the largest area for profit in the world. You have the opportunity to profit from all $65 trillion dollars due to the different exchange rates between one countries currency and another. You simply capitalize on these exchange rates and enjoy your profits as the market moves in your favor.Unfortunately, many would-be Forex profiteers do not even give themselves a chance to enjoy a piece of the profit. It is a common misconception that one needs an extensive amount of cash and initial investment to successfully participate in the Forex market. This notion could not be more flawed. In the Forex market, you are able to use what is called a 100 to 1 leverage on the market. This means that for every $1 you invest into the trade, you are, in essence, investing $100. If you were to invest $15 into a currency play that you are sure will turn out in your favor, you will actually profit from $1500 worth of money.Unlike any of the world's stock markets, the Forex market is never "closed." Even if it is 2am in your current time zone, the Forex market will be open because of the fact that Forex is thriving global market. By using this seemingly trivial fact, many investors make money 24 hours a day from their investments. While are in bed sleeping, their Forex investments continue to profit due to the fact that there is always an open market. Experienced Forex traders are able to play upon the opening surges or dips of global markets, by therefore leveraging their money for or against a certain exchange rate.Since the Forex market is open 24 hours a day, it is constantly evolving and therefore passes right over many would-be investors. Don't allow yourself to be left in the dust of the Forex market. Jump into the market and start profiting today.

Forex Currency Trading Tips For The Elite

Forex Currency Trading Tips For The Elite

Forex traders wonder if foreign currency will rise of fall in comparison to their own currency. He will buy the currency he believes will rise and sell currency if he believes it will fall. The currency value is determined by the economic conditions that the country is currently in.A Forex trader can get profits whether or not the economy is struggling or whether or not an economy is doing well based on the fact that he can buy or sell currency. Forex trades are done in pairs, so a trader will buy yen and pounds. When purchasing these, the trader is basically buying a part of the country's economy. The Forex market is the largest trading market in the world. It trades two trillion dollars each day. The Forex market never closes.Open 24 hours a day, it is an attractive investment choice for those who wish to trade only part-time. Opening up an account is easy. Although most firms require a $1,000 deposit, some will allow you to open a micro account for $300. Trades enjoy the Forex market because it also is a liquid market. It is all about trading currencies and, because of its large size, nobody can control the prices for large amounts of time.For those who wish to test their knowledge in the Forex market but do not want to lose money should look into opening up a demonstration account. Almost every online Forex brokerage house can provide their clients with this option. The demo account will allow you to train and practice on trading Forex and can give you access to the materials you need, such as news and charts, to help you make the best trading decision.You can also track how much money you have gained and lost without it actually leaving an impression on your bank account. This is a great way to begin trading and begin learning about Forex. There are also many software packages for sale that help you make profits. These programs will look at the market and try to find some trades that can ultimately leave you with a profit.All you need to do is accept or decline this opinion. It can save you time by looking for the deals and doing the research you would take a long time to do, but you are ultimately the one that is responsible for the trade happening. You may or may not wish to use these packages as many traders abide by them all the time.Forex is a volatile market, which can provide you the most opportunities to make money. While money can be made, it also can be lost. Be aware of issues and news that could have an impact on the Forex market. I suggest opening up a demo account and getting some experience under your belt and ultimately seeing if this is the right place for you.

Forex Brotherhood Trading To Your Success

Forex Brotherhood Trading To Your Success

If you do not know what you are doing you could be at great risk of losing your investment, because bad forex trades are common even among those who call themselves experts.So how can anyone make money with forex trading? Well, in my experience with the forex trade market, you have basically three ways of successfully approaching the forex trading business:1) Get your hands a good forex trading course, and dedicate a reasonable amount of time learning how to correctly execute winning forex trades. This approach is definitely a desirable one, because knowledge is always the most precious asset you can have.But the thing is that this road will take some time to deliver results, due to the fact that you need to put your newly acquired forex trade abilities to the test and then dedicate considerable time during the day to catch the best forex trade opportunities.2) Get yourself a recognized forex trading software with the ability to provide you with signals for you to enter and exit the market at the precise moment. This approach will likely put you on many profitable forex trades, but you will have to be attentive at the signals during the day so you can enter and exit the market at the right moment.If you pick a reliable software, your forex trades will make you money right from the start, because in this scenario you will not have to become an expert forex trader to make profitable trades.3) Invest in a good automated trading software designed to perform forex trades automatically. To me, this is the best suited option for a beginner, because it will make a very respectable profit out of your investment, and it will keep you away from loss 90% of the time.This will allow you to enter the forex trade market on solid profits, giving you time to gradually master all the basics of forex trading so you can enhance your overall performance everyday. The best thing about this option is that you have to do nothing, but merely monitor the results every now and then, so you can actually make money on autopilot.Even though I did not start my forex trades with an automated forex trading system, I would definitely advise anyone new to the market to start with this option. And for someone like me, already into forex trading for some time.To your forex success. Sure to see you on the top someday

Interbank Forex and the US Bailout Agreement

Interbank Forex and the US Bailout Agreement

Key bank to bank long term lending rates in Europe jumped to their highest since 1995 from 5.142 to 5.237 a move sure to reverberate through Interbank Forex markets. The six month rate also jumped to 5.315 from a former rate of 5.290. European rates are fixed by the European Central Bank. (Euribor) It is becoming painfully obvious that the financial crisis is not limited to the US.The US financial crisis has become contagious, spreading to European banks and financial institutions and Interbank Forex markets worldwide. In the UK mortgage giant Bradford and Bingley had to be rescued by the government. Shares of French bank Dexia tumbled more than 20% because of a newspaper report that the bank may launch an emergency capital increase. On Sunday the governments of Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands announced an 11.2 Euro bailout of one of Europe's largest banks.Markets, including the Interbank Forex, have been in a state of disarray with global money markets waiting for the details of the proposed US bailout. The US congress is set to vote on the compromise bailout package on Monday, September 29th. After almost a week of political haggling Democrats and Republicans have reached an agreement. Highlights of the bailout plan include;* The government would have broad powers to buy billions in mortgage related assets.* The plan lets congress block half the money. The government can access 250 billion immediately, 100 billion more if the president certified it was necessary, and 350 billion more with a separate certification.* Executives of companies who benefit from the bailout will see limited compensation.* The plan requires the government to try to renegotiate bad mortgages with the intention of lowering monthly payments.* The government would receive stock warrants in return for assistance, giving American taxpayers the opportunity to share in future profits.* After five years the government would submit a plan to congress on how to recover any losses from companies receiving assistance.Financial analysts are hoping that the passage of the US bailout plan will bring a semblance of stability to global markets. With the crisis spreading well beyond the borders of the United States passage of the compromise bailout plan is seen by many as a way to stem the tide of bank failures in Europe. Credit markets and interbank lending have all been virtually frozen by the US financial crisis and it is hoped that the infusion of billions of dollars will cause credit to flow

Understanding The Forex Calendar

Understanding The Forex Calendar

A forex calendar (also called a foreign exchange calendar or an economic calendar) is one which is designed to help traders and investors learn about upcoming major economic information, such as the consumer price index, private medical insurance rates, and unemployment rates. Even government reports are included. These calendars operate on a much shorter time scale and they are generally released every hour or so. There are many tools at the disposal of a global trader and the forex calendar is an integral one. One can hardly make decisions (or be informed about a managed account) if one does not know the current state of the market, and keeping tabs on a forex calendar is an easy way to do just that. This, in conjunction with sharing trade strategies or advice across the web, can really give a relatively new trader that extra edge. The calendars make it easy and quick to keep up with recent economic events. Although the foreign exchange market is extremely stable, even small events can cause brief ripples in the market and give a patient, observant investor time to slip in and make a tidy profit.One can hardly consider oneself up-to-date with economics without paying at least some attention to the global currency exchange. It is one of the largest and certainly the most stable market currently available (not to mention the fact that it is widely considered to be perfect competition), and offers trading opportunities on a wide variety of scales, from individual to corporate, from small amounts of bills to huge transactions. There is a lot to keep informed about, and forex calendars can certainly help.Without the aid of forex calendars, investors would hardly know when to act (and even still, what action to take!). It is highly recommended that the budding investor (or long-time traders who want to be sure to stay in touch with the market) pay close attention to the information offered by the foreign exchange calendars. If you are going to react quickly and effectively to the ever-changing foreign exchange market, you will have to make absolutely sure you know what is happening, and when. It probably is not a bad idea to check a calendar several times a day and record any changes to the market, which would allow the savvy investor to react accordingly. Want to get the most out of your account? Be sure to check a calendar.

An Examination of Forex Accounts

An Examination of Forex


: Rick Williamson
With the rise of the global forex (foreign exchange) market, many investors have been looking into forex accounts. But just what are they? A foreign exchange account is the account a trader opens with a retail forex broker. The first type of account is often called a demo account. Once a new trader has tried demo accounts with several traders, he or she will usually move on to a funded account. These are split into three categories, mini accounts, full accounts, and managed accounts. Full accounts trade currency in batches of one hundred thousand, whereas mini accounts do so in groups of ten thousand. A managed account is where a money manager does the trading (for a fee) on the clients behalf.Due to the various qualities of forex trading, forex accounts have been widely successful worldwide. Since the trade volume, large number of traders, dispersion, variable exchange rates, and high profits (with low margins and high volume trading) all contribute to make the foreign exchange one of the most powerful markets in the world. Anyone who considers themselves a global investor absolutely must at least take a look at the various opportunities available in the forex market.It is important for the new forex investor to decide what type of forex accounts they're looking for in order to suit their needs. A small-scale retail investor, for example, will probably want a demo or mini account in order to learn how to exploit a profitable market and become accustomed to the various banking methods involved. Some traders who have the extra resources to have someone manage the forex account for them may be more interested in a managed account.A mini forex account is different from the regular accounts because it uses a greater amount of leverage than the regular account. This account offers up to 200:1 leverage, this means that just a $50 margin deposit will allow you to trade lots worth roughly $10,000. One will trade in lots that are just 1/10 the size of a regular account, which will greatly reduces the risk you take in your trades. For a new person to start forex trading it is a very good idea to start trading with demo forex accounts. This demo account does not require any cash, but it does train a person in how to approach trading. Many brokers offer a demo accounts that will allow you to test the market without risks. Managed forex trading has become more popular in the investment marketplace. Brokers are now offering individuals the ability to opt for a managed fund, beginners are benefiting by putting their money with an experienced broker so that he or she can make the most of what they haveThe possibilities for profit in the foreign exchange market are virtually endless. The market is constantly changing, yet arguably the most durable market possible because of the fairness of the competition. Anyone looking to invest in a forex accounts have lots of options available to them, and can choose one suited most to their taste. There are plenty of ways to diversify one's portfolio as a trader, or one can simply sit back and let a money manager do the work for them. There is no worry of market crashes, as the global economy always tends to stabalize itself. Forex trading is quickly becoming one of the most profitable markets worldwide.

Speaking Like a Forex Pro

Speaking Like a Forex Pro

: Learn Forex JargonBy: Jason Fielder
One aspect of trading the Forex, or even talking to Forex traders, that can be really intimidating is that the Forex market has an awful lot of jargon. For those of us who have been trading for years, this jargon comes as second nature and we don't even think about it anymore. If you're just getting started, however, you might not know a kiwi from an Aussie, a major currency from a minor, or the base from the cross in a currency pair. When you take all this into consideration, it's easy to see how intimidating that can be.This article will set out to help you get started. There is a lot of Forex lingo, but at least now you'll be able to jump into the game a little bit more after knowing these common Forex terms:"The major currencies." There are eight major currencies, which are: the U.S. Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, New Zealand Dollar, the Euro, Japanese Yen, the British Pound, and the Swiss Franc."Minor currencies." This is any currency that does not belong to the major eight. So even currencies of large economies like Brazil, Mexico, Russia, China, and India are all still considered minor currencies."Base currency." This is the first currency listed in a currency quote, and is always measured in a unit of 1."Cross currency." The second currency listed in a currency quote."The Aussie." A slang term for the Australian Dollar."The Kiwi." A slang term for the New Zealand Dollar."The Bid." Refers to the bid price, which is the price the market will currently purchase a specific currency pair for. The bid price will always be higher than the ask price."The Ask." Refers to the ask price, which is what you will sell a currency for. The ask price is the one used when selling."The Spread." The difference in value between the ask price and the bid price. This miniscule difference is how some brokers make their money off Forex traders instead of charging a commission."Bull Market." A market distinguished by an overall rise in price."Bear Market." A market distinguished by an overall fall in price.This is hardly the end all, be all, of Forex lingo, but this article should at least give you a good informed start into getting comfortable with the slang you'll hear around the Forex markets. Knowing what these slang terms mean will make the transition into currency trading that much easier.
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Forex Trading Systems

Forex Trading Systems

: The Key to Forex ProfitsBy: Jason Fielder
While there are many different opinions between various Forex traders about which methods and strategies are best, there is one singular point that every Forex trader will agree on: you absolutely must have a great trading system to profit consistently. A great Forex trading system is the difference between profiting consistently from Forex trading and from finding yourself busted. There isn't a lot of middle ground, either. The right system will make you a lot of money. The wrong one will strip you of your entire investment.A great Forex trading system is one that first off will be successful at trading the market. If it doesn't make money, it's not any good. That part is obvious, but another part of that equation is how often the Forex trading system can actually be applied to the real and constantly moving currency market.Is it only when the market is trending? Counter-trending? Breakout? Is the system a combination of two of these, or some combination of all of these? How often the trading system can be used and how restricted the system is by market conditions. The market does not breakout often, but the best opportunities to get massive profits are during the breakout market. So a Forex trading system that is designed to be able to trade effectively no matter what state the market was in is obviously going to be far superior to any system that only trades with one market movement or in any other limited situation.Every successful Forex trader has a solid, tested, and proven Forex trading system. The same is true with any actual company that can consistently make money trading the Forex. This point can't be emphasized enough. Any company or individual trader that can consistently make money trading the Forex, and teach others how to do so as well, must be using a time proven Forex trading system. If you are only going to take one piece of advice from this article, then make sure it's this one: find a successful and time tested Forex trading system.Find a Forex trading system that has been used and tested for at least a couple of years, if not longer. The longer a company has been profiting from the Forex, and the longer that system has been tested, the better the chances of you coming out of trading the Forex grinning ear to ear about your new fortune.
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